
Elements of Art & Principles of Design Photography


The Elements of Art are the building blocks of all art.  Worksheet
The Principles of Design help you organize the elements in a more helpful way.  Worksheet

  • Line
  • Shape
  • Form
  • Color
  • Value
  • Space
  • Texture
  • Balance
  • Contrast
  • Emphasis
  • Rhythm
  • Movement
  • Pattern
  • Unity

Full Video on Elements and Principles is what we watched in class.


Keep in mind some of the composition rules that you learned in photography.

  • Angles
  • Point of View
  • Rule of Thirds
  • Framing
  • Filling the Frame
  • Be Aware of Background
  • Etc


Each of you will work on your own, with your own camera. Don't forget to take a photography hall pass.

You will take pictures of examples of the Elements of Art and the Principles of Design. You need to take AT LEAST 2 photos (2 different examples) of each Element and Principle.

Download the photos to your class folder on your One Drive. Make 2 new folders

  • Elements Photos
  • Principles Photos

Delete all of the photos from the SD card while it is plugged in to the computer.

Disassemble your camera properly and return it to your bag.

Turning it in... Adobe Spark

You'll use Adobe Spark to edit these photos together in a specific order.  You'll use your school email to log into the site.

You'll add these to the TOP of your First Six Weeks Spark page.  Each will be in its own Glideshow.

Don't forget to add a titles to each:

  • Elements of Art
  • Principles of Design

Then label each photo with the correct Element or Principle

PUBLISH & SHARE - Then UPDATE your link. You don't need to copy the link again as updating it saves and publishes your work to the link you already submitted.