CS 1 – Friday

You are going to code the interactive console program. You are only given class today – if you don’t finish it is HW. Remember that you have a few specific requirements to meet with your code:

  • A conditional with at least two clauses (circle)
  • A comparison operator that tests two values OR a chained comparison that tests if a number is in a range (underline)
  • Code that makes different decisions based on the user’s input (highlight)

Before the end of class, you need to copy your code from Techsmart and paste it into Word to print (finished or not). If you finished, then circle, underline and highlight the code as listed above. If you didn’t finish, then you’ll have to print it again later when you do finish it.


A/V – Friday

AV 2 – No announcements for you to record today.

AV 1 and 2 – you are planning your 25 shots today. Your outline should be typed in Microsoft Word. Put your phones away! This is due in the sub’s hands today. Your outline should include your name, your partner’s name, your story, and then a plan that includes a minimum of 10 different types of shots. Plan how you will use those 10 shots to film 25 clips that can be seamlessly edited together.

You will print your plan (finished or not – but it should be finished) before the end of class. If you did not finish, turn it in and write yourself a note that you need to complete it for HW over the weekend.

GDI – Friday

GDI 1 – you should be wrapping up the text practice and beginning on your personal Logo that should include text (using one or more of the techniques you just practiced) as well as shapes. Think carefully about color choices and what they represent.

GDI 2 – you are wrapping up your Art Movement and working on your Meet the Artist. My recommendation is to take a full length photo of you in a 3/4 turn pose so that you can draw from it. Draw that first, then add the background and lists.

Both classes will print your assignment (finished or not) at the end of class to demonstrate the work that you completed in class today.

GDI and A/V

You need to create a 2nd Six Weeks ePortfolio page if you have not already. Publish & Share to get the link. Then open your original ePortfolio page and create the link in the Navigation. Don’t forget to publish and share, then update this link once you are finished.

Test it to make sure it works!

Comp Sci – Tuesday

You should pick up the “Planning” document from the sub. The planning has been done, you just need to follow it to complete the coding.

This is due TODAY. If you do not finish, then you should plan on completing it for HW, or tomorrow morning during tutorials.

Make sure your name is typed in the Header Intro of the page. Finished or not, you’ll print the code from the TechSmart website before class ends and hand it to the sub.

The Daily Grade for today is based on the progress you make on the code today.

Audio/Video – Tuesday

There is no filming today. You are completing the editing of your What If.

Once you complete the What If, have it uploaded to your YouTube channel, and put in your 2nd Six Weeks ePortfolio page, you’ll get to work on this After Effects lesson. You may need to download After Effects from the Adobe Creative Cloud if you haven’t already. Electric Text Tutorial – use “Mustang Announcements” as your text.

About 5 minutes before the bell, you need to take a screenshot of your timeline – Premiere and After Effects if you worked on that.

  1. Use the backslash key ( \ ) to make your timeline fit in area.
  2. Use the Snip & Sketch tool from your programs to screenshot it.
  3. Paste the screenshot into Microsoft Word.
  4. Type your full name at the top of the page and
  5. send to the Premium printer.
  6. Hand the paper to the sub.

This is a Daily Grade for today.

Graphic Design – Tuesday

You are working on your illustration – Character, then Low Poly.

At 5 minutes before the bell, you need to type your name in the lower right corner and print your file, finished or not. Pick it up from the printer to ensure that it printed, then hand it to the sub.

This is a daily grade!

Week 3

You guessed it! This Friday is the end of the Progress Report Grading period for the 2nd Six Weeks.

You must turn in any late work by Thursday in order for it to be graded and entered for the progress report.

Graphic Design and Audio/Video – you should be entering your assignments on your 2nd Six Weeks ePortfolio page. Remember to publish and share the link, copy it and link it to your main ePortfolio page. Then update that Publish/Share link too!!!

Computer Science:

Comp Sci 1 – Thursday

Put your phones away! Now! This means you!

Log into platform.techsmart.codes to complete the Conditionals lesson for Thursday, October 14. It’s been unlocked for you. You must complete…

  • Warm-up: Palindrama
  • 2.1 Comparison Operators
  • 2.1 Driver’s License
  • 2.1 Install Space
  • 2.1 Lesson Notes are available

If you get stuck on something, don’t be afraid to ask your neighbor for help. This needs to be completed in order to get a grade for today. So if you do not finish during class, you need to do it for HW.