Digital Media Festival

Deadline: Friday, March 6, 3:30 pm

Find all of the details here.

It’s a mandatory project for GDI and A/V. PAAVTC is encouraged to submit entries. There’s a folder in the Campus Share > Samuelson_Drop folder for you to turn in your entry.

Make sure you’ve read & filled out the entry form – there are important details to make sure…

  • you’ve named the file correctly
  • entered the correct category
  • turned in the proper file type

Fresh Start

Each new Six Weeks is a fresh start for you to be successful.

GDI & A/V classes – start a new ePortfolio page for the 5th six weeks.

PAAVTC classes – make sure you are entering work on the correct pages. Those of you in the Video Scavenger Hunt challenge will finish that up. Everyone else will be in Illustrator.

CSP – KEEP UP with your spiral and work.
DEADLINE: April 30, Create & Explore PT Tasks DUE
Flash Talk – upload to

If you’re absent, you need to find out if you missed anything important that needs to be made up. The world does not stop when you are not here.

TEN DAYS left until Digital Media Festival Entries are due.
TEN Days left until Spring Break.


TWO Wake-ups until the end of the Fourth Six Weeks
TWELVE Wake-ups until Spring Break
TWELVE Wake-ups until the deadline for the LCISD Digital Media Festival

Gradebook Updated

If I missed an assignment that you’ve completed, or you’ve completed something since I last checked —– please tell me so that I can add it.

4 days until the end of the Fourth Six Weeks!

5 Days Left

There are five days left in this Report Card Grading Period!
Wednesday is Mustang Time!
Friday is early dismissal!
225 Minutes to get work done!!!

Tutorials are offered in the morning if you need help or just need more time to finish a project. I get here between 7:30 – 7:40.