MUSTang Time

Today during 3rd period you’ll sign up for MUSTang Time. It starts next Wednesday!!!

Click here to see the course descriptions. When you sign up, you’ll pick your top 3 choices. If your first choice is filled, you’ll be moved to your 2nd choice, etc. Each course will be a 3 week session.



Some students will be taking the English 1 or English 2 Benchmark exam. It will be the first 4 1/2 hours of the day. I will be proctoring an exam in my room.

So, if you are NOT taking the exam – you have a free day in the gym!
Attendance will be taken there, so do not skip. 🙂

Blocked Videos

Apparently the district updated their filtering system and it wound up blocking some of my videos on YouTube as “inappropriate.” You’re able to see some, but not others.

If a video you need is blocked, try opening it in Microsoft Edge. This browser seems to have a different set of standards as Chrome.


Progress Reports –My grade deadline is Monday – You need to turn in assignments today in order for me to grade them before the deadline.

PAAVTC – If you turned in your Stop Motion yesterday, it’s on my YouTube Channel. Find yours and embed it in your Canvas ePortfolio with the questions. Show me when you’ve completed this.

Also, you should borrow a USB drive so that each person has the Stop Motion folder & contents in your OneDrive. You’ll switch seats on Monday.

PIT – Make sure your ePortfolio is updated with your completed work. You can check the PIT Updates post to see what should be there. Monday we move on to a new Unit. Use your time wisely!!!

Some CRAZY algorithm between YouTube and LCISD has some of our videos blocked. Grrrrrr!!! However, if you use Microsoft Edge as your browser, you will be able to use them. Edge is in your Program Files.

Progress Reports

The snapshot is on Monday for UIL eligibility and Progress Reports.

That means that I need things completed and turned in this week so that I can grade them this Friday and over the weekend. You can’t turn them in Monday and have them magically graded and input into Skyward before that deadline.

Check Skyward to see your grades – let me know if you have finished work that needs to be graded!

Work smart with your time!

Course Selection

Periods 1 – 6 will go to a Course Selection Presentation during class on Wednesday!

Seniors you will stay in class and work.

If you have questions about CTE classes, pathways or endorsements – please come talk to me. I can lead you to the correct answers.

3 Day Weekend

You don’t have school on Monday to honor Dr. Martin Luther King.
I want you to think about this quote and how it applies to you and school. Happy Friday and have a safe weekend!!!


Please make sure you are returning borrowed cameras and tripods each day so that other classes can use them!!!

Where are we on shooting? Will we be able to wrap up shooting this week? (With the exception of reshoots due to error)

I need scripts and storyboards turned in to me!!!


We need to work at wrapping up our shooting today.

While you are editing, remember that ALL of your group should be at the editing computer and giving input. You can’t blame someone else for errors – help them out.

I suggest logging into 1 computer to keep the instructions at full screen, and a 2nd computer where the editing will actually take place.

There are folders in the Campus Share Drive > Samuelson with Sound FX and Background Audio. Due to copyright issues, you cannot put just any song as the background music.

You’ll put your final exported video #_lastname of each member of group listed alphabetically_stop-motion.mp4 into the Campus Share Drive > Samuelson_Drop>Stop-Motion when you are done. Let me know when it’s there.


You’re going to spend the first part of class getting your Canvas ePortfolio up-to-date. When you’re finished – move back into the Lessons.

1st , embed the images into your Canvas ePortfolio from last semester’s lessons when we couldn’t upload them. Each entry should be listed in order: Title of Lesson, Vocabulary, Codes, Screenshots / Links.

2nd This semester’s lessons… You should take screenshots of the following lessons, and add them below the Lesson Title, Vocabulary, and Codes.

  • Lesson 18 – Bubble 10
  • Lesson 19 – Bubble 11
  • Lesson 20 – Bubble 17
  • Lesson 21 – Bubble 17
  • Lesson 22 – Bubble 12

3rd Remember the newest lesson is at the top. Lessons 21 and 22 should also have a Shared Link to your game as well.

4th After looking at the calendar, I realized that my timings were a bit off. You’ll have next week to complete through Lesson 22. After that we’ll take a short break on to work with the Microsoft Office Suite. We’ll return to Unit 4 after that.