
Photoshop Tool Presentation

As everyone knows, Photoshop has countless tools.

Your job will be to create a simple presentation that highlights a specific tool.  You'll have to do a little research, a little trial and error to figure out how it works, and then present it to the class.

To start...

  1. Research your given tool.
  2. Start a new Photoshop document, size 11 x 8.5 inches, white background, 300 pixels per inch, RGB color
  3. Save it as #_lastname_name of tool.PSD
  4. Requirements for document
    • Name of tool
    • Keyboard shortcut to get the tool
    • Screenshot of the tool
    • Summary of the tool's purpose
    • An example of what the tool can do - could require a before and after
  5. Should follow design principles, be clear & easy to read, clean colors, and uncluttered
  6. Save as PSD and again as a JPG when you finish

Present to the class

Email the Photoshop & JPG files to your teacher. Open Outlook in  Office 365 to send as an attachment.

Each student will present their tool to the class. The presentation doesn't need to be long. You just need to be able to explain what you put in your document.

Turning it in...

We're going to create a new page for each six weeks in this year's ePortfolio. Create a new page and call it:  1st six weeks.

  1. Write the Title of the challenge (make the text bigger since it's the title)
  2. Answer the following questions:
    1. What challenges did you face when researching your tool?
    2. Based on the presentations you heard, what tool are you looking forward to trying the most?
    3. Are there any tools that you are still curious about that were not covered in the presentation?
  3. Insert the JPG of your tool BELOW the questions. Resize to about 600px in width.