
Doodle for Google

Each year Google hosts a competition for students to create the Google logo that will go along with their theme for the year.

This competition usually has an early March deadline.

View the website for this year's theme, rules, inspiration, deadline, prizes and how to enter.

Mood Board

Use Photoshop, Illustrator or even PowerPoint to create a Mood Board based on the theme.

Collect photos and images that reflect your current thoughts and ideas about the theme. This will help you get started.

Save your file as:  #_lastname_google_mood_board
Save it again in a format that can go on your ePortfolio.


You can use Photoshop or Illustrator to create your Doodle.

Document Setup:

  • Profile:  Web
  • Width:  3000 pixels
  • Height:  1246 pixels

All artwork must be completely original and unique. You should not trace or attempt to duplicate any parts of other works.

See examples

Artistic Statement

Use Microsoft Word to type a 50 word statement describing your doodle. It can be about the message you are trying to convey and/or your artistic process for creating it.

Turning it in...

You'll post this on the current 6 weeks ePortfolio. Remember that the newest post goes at the top of the page.

  1. Title of the assignment/challenge
  2. Reflection questions
    • 50 word artistic statement
  3. Embed the image(s) of your mood board and your doodle
  4. Enter the contest