
Client Project – Nameplate

This is a great opportunity to refresh some of your basic Photoshop skills before we dive into bigger projects.

You'll be assigned a specific teacher(s) to create a nameplate for.

Open Photoshop and create a new file. You'll need to check your teacher/faculty member's door - there are 3 different sizes it could be.

Main Office:
Old Classroom:
New Classroom:
Width: 4.5"
Height:  2.5"
Resolution: 300
Width:  7"
Height: 1.75"
Resolution: 300
Width: 7"
Height:  2.5"
Resolution: 300

Name it;  #_lastname_teacher-name_nameplate.PSD

Here is an example:

These are the requirements and how you will be graded:

Turning it in...

Make sure you've met all of the requirements listed above.

Then, open Outlook from Office 365 - you can get to it from Classlink. Email me:  Kristen Samuelson
Add the PSD file as an attachment.

Open you 1st Six Weeks Spark page.  At the top add:

  • Client Project - Nameplate
  • Teacher Name
  • Insert the image