
10 Photoshop Mini Projects

Choose Your Project(s)

Read through this Photoshop Projects Presentation to see your options. This step is just an overview of your options. Go to the next step of the challenge for the specific guidelines.

If you did any of these projects in my class prior to this year, be sure to choose different ones!

Project Guidelines & Grading Rubrics

Now that you've selected your project(s), you need to read through the guidelines to see how it's done.

Level 1
Level 2
Level 3

Choose any from this tutorial website. Or, have you seen something else you'd like to do???

Turning it in

Update Photoshop page of your Canvas ePortfolio with the following information and let me know when you have completed it so that I can check it for a grade. You can follow along with this video if you don't remember how to embed your images. New posts should be at the top.

  1. Name/Title of Project(s) selected
  2. Answer the questions below
    1. How you did it?
    2. What are the tools you used?
    3. Why’d you pick this one?
    4. Include a link to the website with directions, if you chose from level 3.
  3. Insert the JPG image(s).