
8 Animate Projects


You will be able to choose from one or more of the following projects to complete for your Animate Project. Choose carefully, whatever you pick, you need to do it well.

  • Pac Man
  • Rotoscope
  • Nursery Rhyme Animation
  • Quiz Show
  • Other idea approved by teacher


PacMan Guidelines

Rotoscope Guidelines

Animated Nursery Rhyme

Quiz Show Guidelines

See Examples

Turning it in

You will post this challenge at the top of the Animate page of your Canvas ePortfolio. Be sure you have the following:

  1. Turn in your correctly named SWF file to the teacher
  2. Title of the Challenge
  3. Answer these questions
    1. Why did you choose the project you did?
    2. What was most challenging about the project you chose?
  4. Embed the SWF to your Animate page that you've uploaded to your Canvas ePortfolio files. Use the code: <p><iframe src="" width="550" height="400"></iframe></p>