
4 camera editing

You're going to edit a music video using footage from 4 different camera angles.

Odd Number computers - you are editing the song "Before You Accuse Me."
Even Number computers - you are editing the song "Camino Fuente."

Copy the folder 4 Camera Editing to your Desktop.




  1. Watch the clips, listen to your song and come up with a plan.
    1. Storyboard
    2. Each cell should show which camera angle you are using and for how long
    3. Timings should vary - don't make each one 15 seconds each, that's boring.
    4. Some fast cuts, some slow cuts
    5. You have 4 clips of the same song, just different camera angles. You should use each camera angle at least 3 times.
    6. Turn your storyboard in for approval
  2. Edit the video
    1. Title slide - clean & creative. Should have name of song & artist and Edited by your name
    2. Follow your storyboard exactly!!!
    3. Synchronize the shots to the song!
    4. Once you've added all of the clips, THEN unlink the audio/video and delete the audio portion.
    5. The mp4 of the song should be in the background.
    6. Rolling credits (from the TXT file) at the end, 10 seconds
    7. Save your Premiere file and Export as H264 to the 4 Camera Editing folder on your desktop.
    8. Upload to your YouTube
    9. Embed the video in your Canvas ePortfolio.
    10. Screenshot your Timeline and embed that under the video.

Turning it in

This should be turned in at the top of the 3rd six weeks page...

  1. Title of the assignment
  2. Answer these questions
    1. What is the benefit of having using different camera angles of the same event?
    2. How did you use the music when determining where to use fast cuts and slow cuts?
  3. Embed the video
  4. Embed the screenshot of the Timeline