You're going to edit a music video using footage from 4 different camera angles.
Odd Number computers - you are editing the song "Before You Accuse Me."
Even Number computers - you are editing the song "Camino Fuente."
Copy the folder 4 Camera Editing to your Desktop.
- Watch the clips, listen to your song and come up with a plan.
- Storyboard
- Each cell should show which camera angle you are using and for how long
- Timings should vary - don't make each one 15 seconds each, that's boring.
- Some fast cuts, some slow cuts
- You have 4 clips of the same song, just different camera angles. You should use each camera angle at least 3 times.
- Turn your storyboard in for approval
- Edit the video
- Title slide - clean & creative. Should have name of song & artist and Edited by your name
- Follow your storyboard exactly!!!
- Synchronize the shots to the song!
- Once you've added all of the clips, THEN unlink the audio/video and delete the audio portion.
- The mp4 of the song should be in the background.
- Rolling credits (from the TXT file) at the end, 10 seconds
- Save your Premiere file and Export as H264 to the 4 Camera Editing folder on your desktop.
- Upload to your YouTube
- Embed the video in your Canvas ePortfolio.
- Screenshot your Timeline and embed that under the video.
Turning it in
This should be turned in at the top of the 3rd six weeks page...
- Title of the assignment
- Answer these questions
- What is the benefit of having using different camera angles of the same event?
- How did you use the music when determining where to use fast cuts and slow cuts?
- Embed the video
- Embed the screenshot of the Timeline