
2 Animate Timeline and Tweens

Animate Timeline

The Timeline shows where animation occurs in a document, including frame-by-frame animation, tweened animation, and motion paths. By the end of this challenge you will know...

  1. What is a keyframe?
  2. What does a keyframe look like?
  3. What does a frame(s) do?
  4. What is the playhead?
  5. What does “scrubbing” mean?

Principles of Animation

Watch this short video for an overview  of the principles.

Then refer to this website for more details. You can find lots of resources on these principles through Internet searches. At the top of the Animate page of your Canvas ePortfolio, type brief explanations of each principle in your own words. This will be your "explanation" for updating your ePortfolio.

  1. Squash & Stretch
  2. Anticipation
  3. Staging
  4. Straight Ahead & Pose to Pose
  5. Follow through & Overlap
  6. Slow In & Slow Out
  7. Arcs
  8. Secondary Action
  9. Timing
  10. Exaggeration
  11. Solid Drawings
  12. Appeal

Time to Animate!

Create a new Animate file (Actionscript 3.0). Use the default settings.  Save this into your Animate folder in your One Drive as #_lastname_timeline_tweens.

Watch these videos and follow along...

  1. Motion Tween Animation
  2. Shape Tween Animation
  3. Frame by Frame Animation

Make sure you watch through the end of the Frame by Frame so that you know how to export your animation.

Turning it in

You'll need to create a YouTube account if you don't already have one. You'll upload your animations as videos and then update your ePortfolio with...

  1. Title of the challenge
  2. Explanation of Assignment will be the Principles of Animation from stage 2 of this challenge
  3. Embed the YouTube video