All posts by The Boss


Refer to the Car Case Scene Challenge for specific requirements. Remember FAST CUTS! Note: It doesn’t have to be fast all the way through, you might set it up with a longer cut.

You need to turn in your plan before class ends today! Your plan should include:

  1. Your Full Name
  2. The specific parts of clips you are using
  3. The specific sound effects you are using
  4. The royalty free song you are using

Graphic Design & Illustration

Wednesday Quiz – this shouldn’t take you more than 10-20 minutes. It is due before you leave class.

  1. Open the file “ContentAware01.JPG” from the Campus Share > ACA Test Prep Files > Photoshop Tutorials folder.
  2. You will watch this video first in order to use Content Aware to cleanly remove the person floating in the river.
  3. Once you complete it, type your Full Name and today’s date at the bottom right corner. Arial Black, White, Size 20.
  4. Print to the Pro Color printer and hand to the sub and choose to Shrink to Page.

Continue with your other work when you finish and turn it in.


Time is valuable!

Next week some of you will be taking the STAAR Re-test in English, History or Biology. You’ll get a notice later this week if you are testing.

Those of you who are NOT testing, we will be located to different rooms on Wednesday and Friday where we won’t have access to our software. So that is TWO FEWER DAYS for you to get work completed for the end of the 6 weeks grades.

Monday, 12/2/19

Welcome back! The countdown clock is ticking…

5 Days – This Friday is when Progress Report grades are due!
11 Days – Left before Semester Exams start & your work is due!
15 Days – Until you have a long 2 week break!

Use your time wisely! Put your phones up, close the videos! Let me know when you’ve completed a challenge so that I can update the gradebook.


If you completed an assignment last week or this week, please open your ePortfolio and call me over so that I can check it and make sure my gradebook is up to date.

Remember, this is a VERY short six weeks. So you need to make the most of your class time.

Put your phones away!

Audio/Video Field Trip

I’m on a field trip with A/V Production students today. Remember, to put your phones away when you come into class.

Those of you on the new computers…

  1. You will need to SYNC to your One Drive today so that you can access your saved files and save new ones there. If you need reminders of how to do that, refer to this post from earlier in the year.
  2. You’ll need to download your software from the Adobe Creative Cloud. I downloaded the Creative Cloud on all computers – every computer should have it now. Use your school email to log in:
  3. Your files won’t appear in the software because it’s the first time on this computer – you’ll need to search for your files in your One Drive. If you can’t find them, you didn’t save them to your One Drive and you’ll need to start over. Sorry!

GDI – Photoshop
A/V – Edit and post your Short Film
PAAVTC – Animate (or completing last Photoshop Challenge)
Comp Sci – Completing Unit 5, Lesson 13. I’ll give you test results tomorrow.


Remember that your phones & earbuds should be put away at the start of class. If you’re not doing your work, the sub may give you an alternative writing assignment to be due at the end of class.

Graphic Design – Year 2 students, You’ll get a practice Photoshop Test to take during 1st period. Turn it in to the sub when you complete it. Then move on to PS work with Year 1 students. There are cameras available if needed – ask the sub.

A/V – BEFORE you work on editing…
ALL of you need to come up with 3 good and unique questions that you’d ask the director. It can be related to the film/story itself, or pre-production (planning) or post-production (editing). Turn it in to the sub – it shouldn’t take more than 10 minutes.

PAAVTC – you should be wrapping up Photoshop and beginning your Animate challenges. If you get stuck, there are students in both classes that have already started Animate – ask for help, don’t just sit there.

Comp Sci – Unit 5, through lesson 13. Please remember to work on it over the weekend if you are behind. Ask for help if you need it.