
Remember that your phones & earbuds should be put away at the start of class. If you’re not doing your work, the sub may give you an alternative writing assignment to be due at the end of class.

Graphic Design – Year 2 students, You’ll get a practice Photoshop Test to take during 1st period. Turn it in to the sub when you complete it. Then move on to PS work with Year 1 students. There are cameras available if needed – ask the sub.

A/V – BEFORE you work on editing…
ALL of you need to come up with 3 good and unique questions that you’d ask the director. It can be related to the film/story itself, or pre-production (planning) or post-production (editing). Turn it in to the sub – it shouldn’t take more than 10 minutes.

PAAVTC – you should be wrapping up Photoshop and beginning your Animate challenges. If you get stuck, there are students in both classes that have already started Animate – ask for help, don’t just sit there.

Comp Sci – Unit 5, through lesson 13. Please remember to work on it over the weekend if you are behind. Ask for help if you need it.