Thursday – Friday

I’m out for Computer Science training again. Please remember that your phones must be put up, and you must be working on your given assignments to receive a grade for today.

GDI 1 and 2:

You have a new Infographic challenge under the Illustrator list on your page. You’ll do one stage at a time. The sub has a worksheet with questions for you to answer to go along with the first video in that stage. The questions go along with the video. You should complete those questions and turn them in on Thursday, then continue with the research on Friday. The other documents are in the Campus Share Drive > Samuelson > Infographic folder.

A/V 1 and 2:

Colby/Chandler: Check your email to see if there are new announcements for you to record. Once you finish, email them to me.

Groups that have not completed their storyboard, script and shot list for the PSA should do that today and turn it in to the sub at the end of the period or when you finish.

As you finish, there are a few “quizzes” that you should take. You may use Google and/or Premiere Pro to help you with the answers. But these should be done individually to test your knowledge. When you finish, hit the “Check your Answers” button at the bottom, then “Print the test” button at the top right. As soon as you hit print, go get it from the printer and write your name at the top.

CS 1:

Open TechSmart to complete your lessons for the day. You can use each other for help. The sub has the printed solution that you can look at, but you cannot take a picture or take it to your seat. If you don’t finish, it’s your responsibility to finish it for HW. If you don’t finish assignments when there’s a sub, you get a zero and cannot make it up.