You will edit some clips to create your own Horror Film.
Copy the Horror Film folder to your Desktop by going to the Samuelson folder on the Campus Share Drive > HS_Lamar > Student > Samuelson
This is the folder where your clips and background music are located. You will save your Premiere file here and export here.
Save your Premiere file as #_Lastname_HorrorFilm
Before you start, there are a couple of new methods that you will incorporate into your editing.
J Cut and L Cut - Watch this video explanation.
- You will use all 7 clips to tell the story.
- You'll need to watch the clips first so that you know where you should cut them.
- You are expected to demonstrate good, clean edits.
- You need to incorporate one J or L Cut.
You can do one of each if you find the right place for them. - Add simple dissolve transitions between clips.
- Add panic music where appropriate.
- There is a Horror folder in the SoundFX folder in my Share Drive. If appropriate, you can add sound effects.
- Export as H264 - #_Lastname_HorrorFilm
Turning it in...
You will add the following at the top of your current six weeks ePortfolio page. Newest posts go at the top. Upload your video to YouTube. Take a screenshot of your entire timeline (Use the backslash key \ to make the clips fit in the timeline).
- Title of the assignment
- Reflection Questions
- Explain the J Cut and L Cut in your own words.
- How did you decide where to use the J or L Cut?
- Did you use any sound effects? Justify where & why.
- Embed the Timeline Screenshot
- Embed the YouTube video.
- Publish & Share --- UPDATE