We'll go over this presentation as a class.
You should jot down some notes so that you remember what each is for when you go out to film them.
Filming Rules
- You must use a tripod of some kind to ensure a steady camera.
- You must make sure your camera is in focus before you begin filming. If your camera is out of focus, you'll have to re-shoot that segment.
- Composition! Pay attention to what is and isn't in the frame!
- You'll film with a partner. Your partner should appear in each clip as you film it. Then you'll change roles and let your partner film you.
- You and your partner should not have the same scene. Go somewhere else to film the next person.
- Each clip should be 10 seconds in length.
- Stay out of teacher's classrooms.
What you will film
- Long Shot: Viewer can see the character’s whole body.
- Medium Shot: Frame your subject from the waist up.
- Close Up: Shows the subject up close. Get the camera physically close to your subject instead of zooming.
- Point of View Shot (3 shots): A shot of a character looking at something, the POV shot (what the character is looking at), then a shot of the character’s reaction.
- Tilt: Camera stays in the same position, but rotates up or down.
- Pan: Camera stays in the same position, but rotates left or right.
- Pedestal: Camera moves up and down with no rotation.
- Tracking: Camera moves left and right with no rotation.
- Dolly In ( by walking close to subject): Camera moves closer to the subject.
- Dolly Zoom "Vertigo Effect:" Camera moves closer or further away from the subject while adjusting the zoom to keep the subject the same size in the frame.
Download all of the clips to a new folder on your desktop called: Camera Movements.
- You will edit the clips together in the order listed above.
- You will cut (or change the speed/duration if your clip requires seeing all 10 seconds) so that each clip lasts 5 seconds.
- Use the Type Tool to label each shot as it appears. The label should appear in the top left corner of the screen. Use the Effect Controls Panel to change the font: Century Gothic Bold, Size 50, White or Black depending on which contrasts better with the background.
- Add a Title to the beginning - Camera Movements & Your Full Name (on 2 separate lines).
Use the Effect Controls Panel to change the font: Century Gothic Bold, Size 100, White. It will be on a black background. Center it in the middle of the screen. - File > Export Media as H264
- Click on the link to change the name to: #_lastname_camera-movements and save it in the folder where all the clips and Premiere file are saved.
- Hit Export
Turning it in...
Open the ePortfolio page for this six weeks. At the top of the page, add:
- Title of the assignment
- Reflection Questions
- Identify which camera movements you used in your What If video.
- Which of these do you think could be most useful?
- Which was the hardest to use and why?
- Embed the YouTube link of the video.