
10 Mandala Illustrator

What is a Mandala?

It's a a geometric figure representing the universe in Hindu and Buddhist symbolism. They are circular designs symbolizing the notion that life is never ending.

Recently, they have become popular forms of art.  A mandala is a complex abstract design that is usually circular in form. In fact, "mandala" is a Sanskrit word that means "circle". Mandalas generally have one identifiable center point, from which emanates an array of symbols, shapes and forms.

Typically they take countless hours to create because of the involved math and color theory.

We can make it a little easier with Illustrator because we can replicate patterns much quicker than if you were drawing this by hand.

Tools & Skills Used

  • Multiple selections
  • Color Palettes
  • Color Guide
  • Swatches
  • Gradients
  • Pattern Swatches
  • Symbols
  • Pencil Tool
  • Shapes

Color a Mandala

Use Google Image Search to find a mandala that you'd like to color, so it should start as a black and white image.

You will choose a color scheme based on a single color.

Watch this video to get you started

Save this as #_lastname_mandala1.AI, then Export > Save for Web to save as a PNG for your Canvas ePortfolio.

Here is my artwork...

Create your own Mandala

The first video will show you how to get your file set up. You need to follow along closely, although you can alter your design to your liking.  The second video shows you how to finish off the file after you've designed 1/2 of the pie piece.

This will be more time consuming than other challenges you've done. Take your time to get a good design!!!

Save this as #_lastname_mandala2.AI, then Export > Save for Web as PNG for your Canvas ePortfolio.

Here is my artwork. When I worked on it, I thought it needed more, so I drew more. But then when I saw it all together, I thought it needed less :) So be aware - maybe go back and forth between your symbol and full artwork several times to check what you've done.

Turning it in

  1. Upload the images at the top of the Illustrator page of your  Canvas ePortfolio.
  2. Write your entry
    1. Title of your assignment
    2. Answer the questions:
      1. Have you seen mandala artwork lately? If so, where?
      2. What did you find most challenging?
      3. What would you change about your own mandala after seeing it completed?
    3. Insert the PNG(s) image of your completed work.