
Progress Reports are in!

Second Period – Please make sure you pick up your progress report from me today!

Everyone – if you think your progress report grade looks low, you should check your grades in Skyward. You can still turn in missing work to improve your grade!

Fix-It Friday!!!

I’ve had some trouble grading several of your assignments because they weren’t uploaded properly to your Canvas ePortfolio. So I’ll let you know if/what needs to be fixed. Otherwise, you should be working on your Challenges.

Progress Reports

Friday marks the end of the 3 week grading period.

Progress Reports will be generated based on your grades in Skyward on that day.

Please make sure that you are getting in your work, even if it’s late!

Did you have login issues???

Did you have issues logging in to Adobe CC or Office 365 One Drive? Please try today and let me know if you are still unable to.

Graphic Design 1 and 2 – you are working on PS Elements of Art. Remember to be detailed with your drawings. Take your time on them.

Audio/Video – you are wrapping up research on PSA today, or finishing for HW this weekend.

PAAVTC – Complete the Photography Challenge and let me know when you have it on your Canvas ePortfolio.

PIT & CS –

It’s Friday

1st and 2nd periods

You will complete the Elements & Principles Photography Challenge today!

3rd period

I have an important form for you to take home, get signed and bring back Tuesday.

3rd, 4th, 6th periods

We will finish our Introduction of the computer tools

5th period

Complete the Innovations worksheet and discussion



Did you finish creating your new ePortfolio? Does it include the “About Me” information written in paragraph form? Did you update your kasam10s profile with the URL as well as copy it into a Google Form? You have about 10 minutes to finish this before we move on.


Review the Principles of Design with this Powerpoint. Watch the videos that are on the slides. FYI, if you open them in YouTube it opens the full-length video. You don’t want to watch the full-length.


All classes except for CS…

We’ll log on to computers, our website, and Canvas to create the ePortfolio. You’ll need to pick up your “About Me” paper so you can write a couple paragraphs about yourself on the home page of your ePortfolio.

If time allows, we’ll…

  • Set up the One Drive
  • Explore the Network
  • Create folders
  • Save files
  • Move files
  • Delete files



Turn in your signed Computer Lab / Technology Responsible Use Agreement. Use the scissors to cut it off from the packet. Make sure it’s completely filled out and signed. You returning it is a grade!

You should review your handout while I’m collecting signed forms.

Test your knowledge!