All posts by The Boss

Wednesday – SAT Testing

Remember that all Juniors will be taking the SAT Test today. Please be mindful of that as you walk between class periods.

We are on MUSTang Time today, but the bells will be turned off due to testing. I’ll have my 2 minute reminder alarms on.

Have you updated your ePortfolio lately?

AP Testing News

If you’ve been holding off registering for an AP test because of the $94 charge, you are in luck! LCISD has decided to pay for all of you to take the AP exam!!! I don’t know how they are going to process this for those of you who have already paid.

Register by the end of the day Wednesday, March 6!

More Video issues

I don’t know if it’s part of the Network problems for Friday, or if the district finally figured out that we could watch YouTube videos on Edge – but we haven’t been able to use it today.

Solution: Download Firefox! You’ll need to call me over to sign in after you hit the Install button. You do not need to enter any email credentials to do this.

Some computers have already installed it, so search your programs before downloading!

Network up

Or at least most of it is functioning at this time.

Canvas is still down as of 8:00 this morning. So as you wrap up challenges, just know that you will have to go back at a later time and add your Q/A’s and finished work to your ePortfolio to get a grade for it.

5 Days until Spring Break so work hard and make the most of your time in class!!!

JUNIORS – don’t forget to check the lists in the foyer later today for your SAT room assignments. Test is Wednesday! The rest of us will have class.

Graphic Design & Audio/Video

Project Management

Every type of business follows a basic workflow to manage projects, this includes creative ones. Many of you are not optimizing your time and are spending double, triple even quadruple the amount of time that it should take to complete a project.

I would like each of you to utilize refer to this Project Management plan, Pay attention to steps 4, 5, and 6 because you will be expected to do this before you begin your projects.

Tutorial reminder

Those of you who have Incompletes, or need to finish projects, you should plan on coming to tutorials in the mornings. I get here between 7:30-7:40. If I’m not in the room when you arrive, go pick up your breakfast and come right back.

No tutorials on Wednesday of this week because of a faculty meeting. NEVER tutorials on Fridays because I have cafeteria duty!

Comp Sci

Do not log in, sit at the center tables.

After my CS class this weekend, I’ve decided to re-shuffle things around again. I’ve locked Unit 5 where you’re building your app.

We’re going to work on our Explore Performance Task so pick up the 2 handouts from the table when you walk in. You’ll need something to write with.


OPEN your Canvas ePortfolio to your video page. If you have not updated with your latest challenges, please do so.

I’m going to walk around to see this page. Do not close it. You can work on something else with this open in the background.

Graphic Design 1 & 2

Download Adobe Dimension CC from the Creative Cloud. Take some time to explore the tools and what it does. The next challenge will utilize this software as well as Illustrator.


Have you updated your Canvas with each of the Microsoft Word assignments that you’ve completed?

Newest posts are at the top. Be sure to include the following for each post, in this order:

  1. Name of Challenge
  2. Questions answered
  3. Screenshot of completed work