All posts by The Boss

Comp Sci AP Exam Prep

Put your cell phones on my desk, & put your headphones away please!

Bad news: I don’t know the exact date yet, but it will be next week.
Good news: You have another week to prepare for the exam.
This is not free time, play games time, or work on stuff for another class time.

All exams are open for you to review. You should have printed copies in your spiral. Also, use the AP practice questions packet to review.

Go to and log in with your LCISD username. The password is also the LCISD username with “cs” added at the end. I’ve assigned some review/practice quizzes and tests for you to work through.

Work on your coding lessons in Unit 5 – some of you haven’t completed these still and it will help you on the test as well as your progress report & report card grades.

When you don’t understand something – search for the answer and ask for help!

SSSHHHHH, Testing next door!!!

Monday – Algebra I (in class)
Tuesday – Biology (in class)
Wednesday – US History (I’m testing, you’ll go to the gym)

Progress Reports: Work is due by the end of class Friday so I can grade it over the weekend and have it ready for the Progress Report snapshot. Make the most of your time in class

Be extra quiet Monday & Tuesday during class due to testing next door. No filming during testing.


Last night we held the LCISD Digital Media Festival at Terry HS. Attendees got to see all of the finalist’s entries. You can view all of the entries and winners here.

Congratulations to these Mustangs for being named finalists in the LCISD Digital Media Festival this year:

  • Melissa Boyles – Documentary Video
  • Danna Morales – Landscape Photography
  • Danna Morales – Music Video
  • Jalen McGowan – Photomanipulation
  • Ifrah Mohiuddin – Portrait Photography

Comp Sci

Use your AP College Board Username and Password to log in to your Digital Portfolio to submit work.
DON’T FORGET TO CLICK SUBMIT FINAL ON EACH PIECE YOU UPLOAD TO THE DIGITAL PORTFOLIO. – Create Task to record your app working. You can explain it or write it in 150 words or less. Use the Free version.

Turn your code into a PDF using CodePrint – copy your code from, into the 1st box. Underneath the top box you have the ability to add up to 3 ovals and 3 rectangles. Ovals go around your algorithm, rectangles go around the abstraction.

Word Template for questions:

ePortfolio Updates

Please don’t forget that ALL of your work should be updated to your ePortfolio as you complete it. It’s part of each assignment grade as well as an end-of-6-weeks grade.

  • Make sure it is going on the correct page, add a new one if necessary.
  • Newest posts go at the top!
  • Each post has:
    1. Title of the Challenge/Assignment
    2. Questions/Answers
    3. Completed image or link to the completed assignment

Comp Sci – make sure your spiral is getting updated with each lesson!


Today starts the final 6 weeks of the year and with that your “Free Choice” Unit.

Free Choice DOES NOT EQUAL Free Day!!! It means that you get to choose what software you’d like to work with. There are some stipulations…

  1. If you choose to start a new piece of software, ALWAYS start with challenge #1 and work your way down so that you don’t miss the basics.
  2. If you choose to go back to a software that you didn’t finish all of the challenges in, check your ePortfolio to see where you left off and start there.
  3. If you want to work with software that you HAVE completed everything…
    1. Check out the project challenge for other choices
    2. Come up with your own project idea based on something you’ve seen online – get approval from me before you start
    3. Ask me for ideas
  4. You must be working each and every day! It will affect your grade if you are not.

Grading: You must turn in 8 minor and 3 major grades each six weeks. Half should be completed by the Progress Report date.

I’ll be adding more challenges as we go.