All posts by The Boss

Winding down

Please make sure that you are making the most of your time. Let me know when you have something new posted to your ePortfolio for me to check.

If you wish to exempt, bring me your exemption form filled out at the beginning of class. They are due to your Assistant Principal by the end of the day Wednesday!

Some seniors will be taking their PAAVTC final on Tuesday and Wednesday. Classes will need to be quiet for them to complete the exam.

9.5 days left, 4.5 for seniors

You need to start getting your work on our Canvas ePortfolio and show it to me. Please have them open during class and I’ll make my way around to see them.

There is testing going on next door, so you need to be extra quiet today! Thank you!!!

Wednesday 5/23/19

The Store is closed today while I am out. Emergency Restroom passes are the only thing you can buy. You should be working! All phones and headphones should be put away!

Graphic Design – I added 2 Illustrator challenges for you to work on

Audio/Video – I added 1 challenge that you need to start today. It will culminate with your final exam. Yes, you still need to do this if you are going to exempt the final.

PAAVTC – Still free choice, not a free day! I’ll check your ePortfolio for finished work tomorrow.

CSP – Review, review, review!!! I know! You’re almost there! Go to C109 tomorrow morning by 8am!!!

PIT – You should be finishing up your Excel files and working on your Physical Computing Unit. Remember to put up your Circuit Playgrounds at the end of class. Work quietly!


If the sub feels you are not working, you may be assigned this writing assignment. Failing to complete it will result in a zero and may result in a discipline referral. Questions to answer | Document to read 

12.5 Days to go

Remember that you are still responsible for completing work during the class period. Make sure you are using your time wisely.

Seniors – if you have exemption forms you want signed, please bring them to me.


To all of the Mustang Award winners! Especially…

  • Graphic Design & Illustration – Melissa Boyle
  • Graphic Design & Illustration II – Christopher Jimenez Ruiz
  • Audio/Video Production – Danna Morales
  • PAAVTC – Travis Mistry
  • Computer Science – Nicholas Moreno
  • PIT – Miranda Suchyta

Thank you for all for demonstrating a strong work ethic, creativity, a positive attitude and a willingness to help your peers!

Regular Bell Schedule

Mustang Time has ended for the year!

PAAVTC & GDI Students – if you’ve created a design that you’d like to wear, bring in a plain, white t-shirt and we’ll get your design on there. If you have something in mind that you’d like to work on before school is out – that is fine too! I’ll be making something similar to this one…

Graphic Design & Illustration

I need your Photoshop ACA Review Sheet turned in!

Please make a new page on your ePortfolio for ACA Exam Practice. You should have Start01, 02, 03 and 04 completed, saved, exported and on this page for me to grade!

Then go on to the next PDF with links to instructions. It starts on page 11 of the PDF.

Use Google to search for help. Ask questions if you can’t find it. Don’t sit and stare at the computer expecting the solution to jump out at you.

Mustang Awards

The Mustang Awards Ceremony and practice HAS BEEN RESCHEDULED AGAIN!

The new date is Wednesday May 15, 7pm in the Auditorium.

Students will have a practice ceremony on Wednesday, during 3rd period. I went through the list and found those that are in my classes. Make sure you go!!!

Faith Afenkhena
Melissa Boyle
Craig Cabrera
Abigail Floyd
Daisy Gonzalez
Shanda Horm
Christopher Jimenez Ruiz
Ethan Ma
Cynthia Meza
Travis Mistry
Ifrah Mohiuddin
Danna Morales
Nicholas Moreno
Miranda Suchyta
Casey Swalla
Camden Vanijgul
Nick Watts
Jesus Zelaya