All posts by The Boss

ePortfolio Check

Periods 1 – 5, please open your Canvas ePortfolio. I’m going to walk around and check what you’ve completed to put in the gradebook.

You can still work on your assignments while I’m walking around.


I’m at a CS & Robotics Workshop today, but will be back in class tomorrow to see the work you’ve done.


  • Phones are put up when the bell rings
  • Earbuds/headphones are put up as well
  • You have an assigned seat – sit there
  • There is no eating in the room
  • You are responsible for completing your work, even with a sub
  • You can get help from classmates
  • Have a great day!

Graphic Design & Illustration 1 and 2 – complete your assignments that you are working on and then move into the Elements of Art Challenge. Year 1 students – pick a mammal to draw. Year 2 students – pick a person (full body).

Audio/Video Production 1 and 2 – many of you are not finished with your shooting, so you don’t have enough clips to edit. Because of that, you are doing the “Copyright” lesson while I’m gone. The sub will give you a packet for reading, and a sheet with questions. You’ll answer them in your ePortfolio. Year 1 – I expect you to complete about 1/2 of them. Year 2 – you might come close to completing all.

PAAVTC – Whatever challenge you left off, that is where you begin. Don’t sit there stuck – ask for help (sub or classmates next to you).

Comp Sci – You are working through Lesson 7. If you’ve completed it, see if there is someone that you can help. Yesterday there were a few students who were stuck on breaking down the function into many smaller functions.

Camera Checkout

If you are using a camera or other equipment, you’ll need to sign out for each piece and then sign it back in when you return it. Even during class time.

This will ensure that all of our equipment is put back safely for the next group to use it.

Third Period

Juniors will attend the Class Ring Information Presentation in the Auditorium.


Phones and earbuds should be off and put away by the time that the tardy bell rings. Put away means in your purse, backpack or pocket – not on the table next to your computer where you are likely to pick it up out of habit.

Let’s have a good week!


Some of you have asked about contests that you can enter. I’ve added a new page to the website for Contests! I have 4 entries so far, but will continue to add them.
Work hard today and have a great weekend!

Good Luck to our Mustang Football Team! Beat Terry!!!

Do the work

Reminders about our routine that we’ve established…

  1. Be on time
  2. Check the screen/website & log in
  3. Put your phone & earbuds away
  4. Get started with your work
  5. Restroom passes must be bought in The Store

Technology Student Association

If you haven’t thought about joining, you should! Today is the first meeting in Room E109 from 3:40 – 4:30.

Competitions include 3D animation, architectural design, board game design, coding, computer-aided design, computer integrated manufacturing (promotional product), digital video, cybersecurity, photographic technology, promotional design, software development, video game design, web design.

All the things you learn in this room!

Check Skyward

Take the 1st five minutes of class to check your grades in Skyward.

What are you missing in my class? Whether it’s a zero or blank – you need to take care of this grade.

My grades are due on Friday. Progress Reports will be distributed on Tuesday.

Welcome to OPen House

Pick up a piece of paper with my contact information on it.

If you didn’t sign a Technology Responsible Use Guidelines form for your son/daughter, please pick that up as well.

Please sit at one of the computers that are logged in and fill out the form. I only need one per student.

Open House Tonight

Can we all pretend we’re working with our laptops at the beach?
Reminder: as you finish your assignments, check your class page to see what you start on next!

Do you have your signed forms???