All posts by The Boss

Update ePortfolio

1st – 3rd periods – you should be posting your current assignments on the Second Six Weeks page. Make sure you fix things now so you aren’t in a mad rush at the end of the six weeks when it’s due for a major grade.

4th – 5th periods – you should be posting to your Photoshop page, with the newest posts at the top.

All posts should include:

  1. Title of Challenge
  2. Reflection Questions and answers
  3. Embedded images, videos, or documents

Let’s Go Astros!!!

2nd half of 2nd 6 weeks

Grades were submitted for Progress Reports. But you can still complete those challenges and get rid of those missing assignments.

Put the phones and earbuds away! This is a NO CELL PHONE ZONE!!! Get to work and show me your completed work on your Canvas ePortfolio!

Graphic Design & Illustration II Students – We’ll start going over some Photoshop ACA Exam Prep Materials soon. You’ll take that certification test in December!

A/V Students – Field Trip on November 18th to MFAH.

Comp Sci – Unit 5, Exam 1 will be this Wednesday. It covers lessons 1-5. We’re starting with Lesson 7 today!

No Phones, earbuds, or videos!

GDI – make sure you are working on a Photoshop challenge. Some of you should check your Canvas inbox, I’ve sent you a message about work. Please remember to update your ePortfolio as you finish. You get a participation grade based on your work during class – so make sure you use your time wisely! Cameras are available during class, make sure you check it out and put it back properly.

AV – Your late scripts and storyboards should be turned in to the sub. You can shoot your B Roll footage. If you’ve finished that and have footage to film at school, you can start that as well. Please remember to update your ePortfolio as you finish. You get a participation grade based on your work during class – so make sure you use your time wisely! Cameras are available during class, make sure you check it out and put it back properly.

PAAVTC – Keep working on Photoshop. Please remember to update your ePortfolio as you finish. You get a participation grade based on your work during class – so make sure you use your time wisely! Cameras are available during class, make sure you check it out and put it back properly.

Comp Sci – You need to focus on completing through lesson 6 today. If you don’t finish, work on it this weekend. We’ll start 7 on Monday.

End of 3rd week

Hey Mustangs! You need to show me your completed work TODAY in order for me to get it in Skyward for the Progress Report deadline.

You can still finish it after the deadline, but it may affect your grade for progress reports.

Phones and earbuds should be put away – we are not watching videos or listening to music right now.

Time’s Running Out

Work must be completed and uploaded on your ePortfolio by the end of THURSDAY for it to be counted on the progress report.

Put your phones away, turn off the videos and get to work!

Comp Sci – If you want to take the Re-Test, please let me know before you leave today. Be here tomorrow morning at 7:40. That gives you 30 minutes to take it. If you can’t be here you need to discuss alternative plans with me before you leave.

Show me what you completed…

Most of you should have completed an assignment or two while I was out last week. Please open your ePortfolio to show me what you finished. Remember that you’ll get your choice of a candy when you complete a challenge and post it.

This Friday is the end of the 3 week grading period. Everything you complete (or don’t) affects your progress report. You must have everything turned in by Thursday to be graded.


I hope you all had a great day of testing and are ready to get back to work! Remember, to put your phones away!

Graphic Design – the sub has a couple of cameras if you need them. Get your plan first because you shouldn’t be out the entire class period. Remember, you get participation grades based on what you are doing in class – no phones, videos, or games!

Audio/Video – I posted the Story & Scriptwriting Challenge. It has all of the notes from the instructional videos we watched. Your script should be finished, printed and turned in by Friday. As soon as you turn it in, you should work on your storyboard. Follow the challenge! Remember, you get participation grades based on what you are doing in class – no phones, videos, or games!

PAAVTC – continue to work on your challenges in Photoshop. You can show me your completed work when I get back. The sub has a couple of cameras if you need to take a photo for an assignment.

Comp Sci – Put your phones away. You will take your Unit 3 Assessment first. Work on it individually! You should stay quiet until the sub tells you that everyone has completed their test. When you finish the test, continue on with Unit 5. You should have Lesson 3 completed today so you can start lesson 4 tomorrow.


Trick or Treat! As a little extra incentive, I have candy for you when you complete a new challenge and have it posted to your ePortfolio. This does not apply to challenges previously completed. Let me know when you finish so I can check it.

Wednesday – PSAT Testing 9-11 grades. Check the posters in the hallway for your room assignment.

Seniors – NO LATE ARRIVAL!!!
Some of you will be TSI Testing – be in your designated room by 8:15. You should have your PAA completed before then.
Seniors not testing – you will meet in the Auditorium for guest speakers, presenters, project graduation info, and other stuff.

Update ePortfolio

Just a reminder to update your ePortfolio at the end of every challenge. Once you’ve updated, please let me know so that I can check it and put a grade in Skyward.

You should be completing an average of 2 challenges per week. Easier challenges go faster, harder ones take a little longer. Keep yourself on task!!!

CSP – update your spiral with vocabulary and codes at the beginning of each new lesson. I’ll be putting lesson 1 in Skyward this weekend. You should be finishing lesson 2 before Monday!