All posts by The Boss

Due to Covid…

Due to Covid, all of my new assignments are currently on my Canvas page managed by the district.

You can still access old ones here.

Like you, I look forward to when we can return to normal – including being able to post my assignments here.

Best wishes!

Updated Zoom Page

Just a note to let you know that all Zoom meetings have been added to the page. I’ll try to get them posted within a couple of days of the meeting, sooner if it’s time sensitive information that we covered.

May 4 – 8

PAAVTC, AV 1 & 2, GDI 1 & 2:

You have a new assignment in Canvas for the week – you can find it under the Modules. It’s called Copyright – May 4-8

You are also still ADDING TO YOUR QUARANTINE JOURNAL. I’m finding that many of you are creating a new journal for each week. DON’T. Everything should be on one Spark page that you update each week and submit the URL to the Canvas Assignments for that week.  

NEW THIS WEEK:  One item that you need to add to your journal this week, is a piece of news. It can be about Covid19, the economy, politics, the vaccine, whatever.  Your news post should include:

  • an image from the article
  • the URL of the article
  • a couple of sentences summarizing it
  • your thoughts about it, how does it impact you

Computer Science Principles

Your assignment is in a Canvas Module this week, so look there. 
NOTE – the Unit 4 Assessment will be taken on Friday. If you have a conflict – tell me before Friday! Next week we start the Create Performance Task, so you need to make sure you are caught up with all of your lessons or it’s going to be difficult for you!


Many of you are struggling with the instructions on what to do. Please make a point of getting on the Zoom meeting. They don’t last long. I’ll update you with a few important things, you can ask questions, and you can listen to others ask questions that you maybe didn’t think of. BE THERE!

Wednesday Zoom Schedule – the link is on Canvas Announcement.
PAAVTC, AV1, GDI1 – 9:00am
AV2 & GD2 – 9:30am
CSP – 10am

Please check Skyward for updated grades

S = you turned in your work and it was at least satisfactory
N = you turned in work, but it was not satisfactory 
I = nothing was turned in 

You have assignments posted in Canvas and on our website, – if you have questions, find my email address and phone number in Canvas Announcements.

Technology Checkout

If you are in need of technology, please come to technology checkout on Wednesdays from 12-4 in the bus drive. If you are unable to get there, please let me know so that we can try to work something out for you to get your work done. I don’t know what’s going on if you don’t tell me.  

Mother’s Day Reminder…

I know that it’s easy to lose track of what day we’re on while being on Stay Home orders. So I wanted to remind you that Sunday, May 10 is Mother’s Day. Don’t forget to thank your mom for all she does for you. I’ll be visiting my mom! 

Take care and get your work done!
Miss all of you!

PS… Seniors

Make that goodbye video for your friends, teachers and LCHS. Get it turned in this week. Link to submit is on the Seniors Only announcement. 

4-29 Zoom Meetings

PAAVTC, GDI, & AV – no video because there wasn’t anyone there. However, I demonstrate how to Publish and Share the Adobe Spark page and submit an assignment in Canvas in the GDI 2 & AV 2 video below. Check it out!

GDI 2 & AV2 – We talk about certification reviews (do them) and how to update your Spark page, Publish & Share, and submit assignments in Canvas. Watch Video

Comp Sci – We covered lesson 8, how to save as a PDF and how to upload your finished assignment to Canvas. Watch Video

Week 2 of Sixth 6 Weeks


You should continue adding to your Spark Page Journal. 

  1. 3 Posts per week:  Acceptable posts include video, image & text. 
  2. Remember that you MUST Publish & Share your page every time you make any changes to it. Then copy the URL from that pop-up menu. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, please review this part of the Spark Review video:
  3. Copy/Paste that URL to turn in to the Week 5 Spark Page URL Assignment in Canvas

PAAVTC & Graphic Design & Illustration

In addition, you should use Illustrator, Photoshop, or paper if needed, to practice drawing banners.  Follow along with the video on these 2 pages. You will have 2 JPG or PNG files to upload to the Week 5 Banner Drawing Practice Assignment in Canvas.

Audio/Video 1

In addition, find a Documentary film to watch on Netflix, Amazon Prime, On Demand, Hulu, YouTube, whatever way you can find one. Then, answer the questions in the Week 5, Documentary questions Assignment in Canvas.

Graphic Design & Illustration 2 and Audio/Video 2

In addition, you need to work your way through the Illustrator Certification Review (GDI) or Premiere Pro (AV) that I assigned a couple weeks ago.

Step 1: Go to – if you already have an account, then use it. If not, then click the “Sign Up Here” link and create an account. Use your LCISD email, username and password to create your account. Your email is your

Step 2: Go to and log in. When successful, click the “Redeem New Access Code” and put in the code that I sent you via Canvas. I’m not putting it on here or it becomes public. Enter the Access Code and hit the Redeem button. You’ll see your courses.

Step 3: Work your way through the assigned Review until it is completed. I’ll be able to see your progress with my view

Computer Science Principles

Unit 4

Lesson 6 – The Cost of Free – make sure to read through each article and watch each video in Bubble 1. Bubble 2 is showing part of the rubric for the Create PT and a sample response. Take your time going through to justify how you would award points and WHY? 

You should have this lesson completed by the end of Tuesday.

Lesson 7 – Simple Encryption – work through this lesson, practicing encryption techniques. Make sure you continue answering the Check for Understanding questions.

You should have this lesson completed by the end of Wednesday.

Lesson 8 – Encryption with Keys and Passwords – Take your time to go through this lesson step by step. You’ll download the Keys and Passwords worksheet in MS Word to work through. I’ll go over some details of this assignment in Wednesday morning’s Zoom.

You should have this lesson completed by the end of Friday.

6th Six Weeks

Happy beginning of the final six weeks of the 2020 school year!

I finished inputting grades from the first two weeks of the 5th six weeks, before going to spring break. That’s a that is counting for this grading period. Please know that you ARE ABLE TO COMPLETE MISSING WORK to bring that grade up if necessary. Ask me If you are interested.

Grading for the 6th 6 weeks will be different. If you are doing the work satisfactorily, you will get an S. If it’s not satisfactory, you get an N. If you don’t attempt it, you get an I.

  • S = 100
  • N = 69
  • I = Incomplete and you’ll have to make it up or it becomes a failing grade.

PAAVTC, Audio/Video 1 & 2, Graphic Design 1 & 2 – you should be working on your Adobe Spark Journal with 3 entries per week, for a total of 12 by the end of this week. Each week you need to punish and share to copy that link and paste it into the Canvas Assignment. That’s the only way I know you’re done. Posts can be videos, photos, drawings, poems, and your words about what you are doing, thinking and feeling during this time.

Audio/Video 2, Graphic Design 2 – in addition to the journal, you are working on Adobe certification test prep. You can look up the instructions for it in the 2nd week of at home learning.

Computer Science Principles – you are working on lessons 3 – 5 in this week.

  • Lesson 3 is extremely timely and important at this point in time. Make sure you spend time reading through the articles and watching the videos in bubble 1.
  • Lesson 4 is a one pager on Data Innovations. Pay attention to Data as it’s important for your Explore PT.
  • Lesson 5 is more research on Data concerns.

You’ll save the activities as PDF files and turn in to the Canvas assignments.

Zoom meetings aren’t necessary this week. However, if you have questions you email me at or call/text me. You can find my info on the Canvas posts.

Zoom Meeting Week 3

PAAVTC, AV, GDI – I’m not posting your meeting. I had asked about whether you could download Adobe Creative Cloud and programs to your computer at home. I’ll be posting a link here shortly to ask what you have.

Computer Science Principles –
I show you how to do Unit 4, Lesson 2 Finding Trends with Visualization. Please watch this video before you start.

Week 4 CSP

Tuesday – you’ll take the test over Unit 2 if you didn’t take it on Friday. It is open computer, open note – so use it.

Wednesday – Unit 4, Lesson 1, What is Big Data?
Read through Lesson 1, watch the videos, pay attention to the Vocab. Then answer the the Check for Understanding questions.

Thursday & Friday – Unit 4, Lesson 2, Finding Trends with Visualizations
You will complete the Activity using Google Trends. Upload your final work to the Canvas Assignment by the end of Friday. Answer the Check for Understanding Questions.
Video explanation of what to look for on the Activity Guide will be posted soon.