Monday, February 7

Graphic Design 1 and II: You are working to finish the Elements of Art project today. Once you finish, you should begin working on the Heritage/History Celebration Month Posters that I added to your class page. You can work in Illustrator and/or Photoshop. You’ll have a week to complete this. Illustrations should be solid.

Audio/Video 1 and II: You can’t film today because I am out. So you are going to do a little planning for your next project. If you finish it, you will work on editing the footage that you do have. Kinetic Typography – pick a song (you’ll only use 2-3 minutes of it) that has school appropriate lyrics & message. You have to be able to provide the mp3 of the song, streaming doesn’t work. Find the lyrics online, print them, and highlight the 2-3 minutes that you will animate. Make sure the start and stop points are in logical places.

Computer Science 1: Open and log into TechSmart to follow along with the Instruction module and then complete the Instruction Practices on your own. Anything not completed in class must be completed for HW. Remember that you get a daily grade based on completing your work for the day.

Mustang Time: Welcome to study hall! Please put your phones away in the wall pocket and then have a seat at your assigned workstation (the sub will let you know where). You may use the computers if you need it for school work, but it is not to be used for games, videos, etc. You’ll get a sign-in form where you need to write down what you are working on today in Mustang Time.