You are encouraged to work together at times and even help each other through tough sections of code. But cheating is not tolerated. Getting a complete set of code to copy from someone else is not helping. It is cheating. If you are caught cheating you will receive a zero with no chance to make it up. The person giving the answers is just as guilty as the person receiving them.
Phones are to be put in the Wall Pocket behind my desk EVERY DAY. If your phone is out (on your desk, in your hand, etc) then it will be confiscated and turned in.
Assignments are expected to be handed in or submitted through TechSmart on the day that they are due. If you do not finish it in class, it is your responsibility to finish it for HW, or come in for tutorials the following morning. Each day it is late will have a 10 point deduction. It will not be accepted more than 3 days late.
***You will receive 1 extra day for each day you are absent. However, if it was assigned before you were absent, and due the day you are absent – it is due when you return.