None of you turned in your assignment from Tuesday. So I’ve made a little video to explain what you should do. Don’t allow yourself to get another ZERO.
There is no filming today. You are editing the clips that you have.
If you complete the editing, or don’t have any more that you can do without filming, then you should work on the following After Effects tutorial. You may need to download After Effects from the Adobe Creative Cloud if you haven’t already. Electric Text Tutorial – use “Mustang Announcements” as your text.
About 5 minutes before the bell, you need to take a screenshot of your timeline – Premiere and After Effects if you worked on that.
Use the backslash key ( \ ) to make your timeline fit in area.
Use the Snip & Sketch tool from your programs to screenshot it.
Paste the screenshot into Microsoft Word.
Type your full name at the top of the page and
send to the Premium printer.
Hand the paper to the sub.
Failure to hand in a printed document will result in a zero.
Most of you did not turn in your assignment for Tuesday and it is resulting in a ZERO. You have the same assignment today to show that you’ve made progress on your work.
You are working on your Character Illustration. If you complete it and have it updated to a 2nd 6 Weeks ePortfolio page, then you should be working on Low Poly.
About 5 minutes before the end of class, you will type your full name at the bottom right corner. Make sure it’s readable. Print to the Premium printer and turn in to the sub. If you fail to turn it in or make significant progress, you will receive a zero for the day.
There is no filming today. You are editing the clips that you have.
If you complete the editing, or don’t have any more that you can do without filming, then you should work on the following After Effects tutorial. You may need to download After Effects from the Adobe Creative Cloud if you haven’t already. Electric Text Tutorial – use “Mustang Announcements” as your text.
About 5 minutes before the bell, you need to take a screenshot of your timeline – Premiere and After Effects if you worked on that.
Use the backslash key ( \ ) to make your timeline fit in area.
Use the Snip & Sketch tool from your programs to screenshot it.
Paste the screenshot into Microsoft Word.
Type your full name at the top of the page and
send to the Premium printer.
Hand the paper to the sub.
Failure to hand in a printed document will result in a zero.
You are working on your Character Illustration. If you complete it and have it updated to a 2nd 6 Weeks ePortfolio page, then you should be working on Low Poly.
About 5 minutes before the end of class, you will type your full name at the bottom right corner. Make sure it’s readable. Print to the Premium printer and turn in to the sub. If you fail to turn it in or make significant progress, you will receive a zero for the day.
Tuesday and Thursday I’ll be out for training again. You’ll be asked to print and turn in what you worked on that day. Your progress will be your grade for the day. If you didn’t work, you don’t get a grade.
Wednesday, 9-11th graders will be in PSAT Testing. Seniors will do senior things in the auditorium and are expected to be in school.
You are 11 days away from the next progress report date – make sure you are staying on top of your work in all of your classes!
Today is the beginning of the 2nd Six Weeks. Let’s make sure that we are staying on top of all of our assignments. When you’re absent, you need to plan to come in to make up assignments that you aren’t able to do at home. Don’t wait until it’s too late!
GDI – You should be wrapping up your nameplates and emailing the PSD file to me. We’re going into Character Illustration next.
AV – You should be wrapping up your planning phase of the What If video so that you can complete your shooting this week.
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