The Store is closed today while I am out. Emergency Restroom passes are the only thing you can buy. You should be working! All phones and headphones should be put away!
Graphic Design – I added 2 Illustrator challenges for you to work on
Audio/Video – I added 1 challenge that you need to start today. It will culminate with your final exam. Yes, you still need to do this if you are going to exempt the final.
PAAVTC – Still free choice, not a free day! I’ll check your ePortfolio for finished work tomorrow.
CSP – Review, review, review!!! I know! You’re almost there! Go to C109 tomorrow morning by 8am!!!
PIT – You should be finishing up your Excel files and working on your Physical Computing Unit. Remember to put up your Circuit Playgrounds at the end of class. Work quietly!
If the sub feels you are not working, you may be assigned this writing assignment. Failing to complete it will result in a zero and may result in a discipline referral. Questions to answer | Document to read