Today starts the final 6 weeks of the year and with that your “Free Choice” Unit.

Free Choice DOES NOT EQUAL Free Day!!! It means that you get to choose what software you’d like to work with. There are some stipulations…

  1. If you choose to start a new piece of software, ALWAYS start with challenge #1 and work your way down so that you don’t miss the basics.
  2. If you choose to go back to a software that you didn’t finish all of the challenges in, check your ePortfolio to see where you left off and start there.
  3. If you want to work with software that you HAVE completed everything…
    1. Check out the project challenge for other choices
    2. Come up with your own project idea based on something you’ve seen online – get approval from me before you start
    3. Ask me for ideas
  4. You must be working each and every day! It will affect your grade if you are not.

Grading: You must turn in 8 minor and 3 major grades each six weeks. Half should be completed by the Progress Report date.

I’ll be adding more challenges as we go.