The first full week back at school always seems looooong. Remember that you have a 3 day weekend coming up to celebrate MLK Day on Monday. Then the end of the 3rd week will hit us FAST! So make sure you are taking care of your business. I’m updating grades in Skyward today.
Graphic Design & Illustration – you are working on completing the Storybook Illustrations in Photoshop. Remember that your sketch is just that – A SKETCH. Don’t spend too much time trying to draw perfectly on paper. You need to have the layout, graphic elements, proportion and perspective figured out.
Audio/Video – you should begin filming your short story. Remember that you’ll need to “act” in your classmates films when asked. Make sure that you consider CLOTHING/COSTUMES when filming.
PAAVTC – everyone should be shooting Stop Motion. You should have the shooting completed by Wednesday, and editing completed by Friday to turn in. Remember…
Camera should be secured on the tripod to shoot
Video should match timings on storyboard
Each group member should be contributing to the project
Your phone should be put away
Quit shooting about 10 minutes before class ends to ensure you have time to download photos and delete from camera.
Each day’s photos should be in a separate folder on your desktop
All props and equipment should be cleaned up and put away before your group leaves
Comp Sci – Unit 3 exam today, then continue with Unit 4 lessons.
I received an email from Canvas last week that the issue with embedding images has been fixed.
As you complete your current work, make sure you add it to your ePortfolio and show it to me. In addition, go back and add any work that you were previously unable to.
Hope all of you had a fun and restful vacation, because now it’s time to get to work!
LCISD Digital Media Fair
The date for the Awards Show has not been finalized yet, but is probably in April. The categories have been revised a bit since last year, but there are plenty of opportunities for you to show off your creativity.
Graphic Design & Illustration Students – you will submit a minimum of 1 entry
Audio/Video Students – you will submit a minimum of 1 entry
PAAVTC – you are encouraged to submit an entry, but it is not a requirement.
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