You’re going to spend the first part of class getting your Canvas ePortfolio up-to-date. When you’re finished – move back into the Lessons.
1st , embed the images into your Canvas ePortfolio from last semester’s lessons when we couldn’t upload them. Each entry should be listed in order: Title of Lesson, Vocabulary, Codes, Screenshots / Links.
2nd This semester’s lessons… You should take screenshots of the following lessons, and add them below the Lesson Title, Vocabulary, and Codes.
- Lesson 18 – Bubble 10
- Lesson 19 – Bubble 11
- Lesson 20 – Bubble 17
- Lesson 21 – Bubble 17
- Lesson 22 – Bubble 12
3rd Remember the newest lesson is at the top. Lessons 21 and 22 should also have a Shared Link to your game as well.
4th After looking at the calendar, I realized that my timings were a bit off. You’ll have next week to complete through Lesson 22. After that we’ll take a short break on to work with the Microsoft Office Suite. We’ll return to Unit 4 after that.
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